AI Business Strategy (EMBA)

Artificial intelligence and the autonomous systems that embed it have become the brains of the modern data economy.

Course topics:

(1)   The Global AI Innovation Landscape

(2)   AI and values

(3)   Brain-computer nexus

(4)   Privacy-assured data trading

(5)   AI and the Future of Work

(6)   AI and fragility in societal systems

(7)   AI governance for ethics and human-centricity

(8)  Ethical, human-centric use case design

Artificial intelligence and the autonomous systems that embed it have become the brains of the modern data economy. They have started to reshape human values, trust, and power around the world. Whether in medicine, money, or love, technologies powered by forms of AI are playing an increasingly prominent role in our lives. New AI technologies can help drive cars, treat damaged brains and nudge workers to be more productive, but they also can threaten, manipulate, and alienate us from others. They can pit nation against nation, but they also can help the global community tackle its greatest challenges from food crises to climate change. As we cede more decisions to thinking machines, we face new questions about staying safe, keeping a job and having a say over the direction of our lives. How AI evolves and what role it takes in our lives - either for better or for worse - might depend on our race, gender, age, behavior, cognitive capacity or nationality. This presents manifold ethical and cross-cultural dilemmas. Students – as critically reflective changemakers -- will learn about these issues and the principles of responsible design and governance structures to mitigate them and turn them into opportunities for enrichment of society. This course will be taught through a combination of frameworks, speaker “raw cases” and seminar-style critical thinking discussions. We will bring AI’s potential to life with the help of senior experts and entrepreneurs as guest speakers from the instructor’s network include a head of AI at World Economic Forum, a head of AI research center, heads of AI R&D and futures of a big tech company, CEOs of AI startups, authors of AI books.

Olaf Groth

Co-Founder, CEO

Futurist and strategist for transformations of economies, industries, and organizations driven by AI, data and compute at the center of geostrategic competition.